Tuesday, October 27, 2015

2 Weeks of Life

If you haven't heard from my last few blog posts (or if you can't tell by my lack of visibility on here for the past 6 weeks or so)... we have a new bundle of joy! I wanted to share these snaps that Kate from Kate Florian Photography who captured of our love at 2 weeks old [she also captured our blissful maternity snaps you can see from this post]. I can't believe I'm 6 weeks into this life of Mommyhood... as many memories have already been made and Mata is growing before my very own eyes.

When they say, "things happen so quickly"... they really mean it with sweet precious babies. So I will forever stare at these amazing pictures of my baby at 2 weeks old and live in that moment of life because I never want to forget it!

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