Monday, January 9, 2017

Hello 2017

It's 2017 and feels like ages since I last blogged (well... probably because it has been!). The lovely thing I enjoy about a new year is that everything feels so fresh... a fresh start to whatever you want the blueprints to look like for the year. I'm a stickler for creating new goals at the beginning of the year, probably just like the majority of the bloggy blog world! Last year I didn't have a chance to think of any goals. But this year, I've put quite some thought into what I want for myself in 2017.

I'm the type of person that likes to see what I am working towards (hence, why I actually write them down on paper). To take my accountability check one step further, I thought why not share some of my self-reflection on the blog!

I thought about my priorities for 2017, specific goals I'd like to accomplish, and things I can tell myself in the moments I feel like giving up. I'll spare you the deets, and just share some of my PRIORITIES for 2017:

// Be kind to myself
I totally believe the words of, we are our own worse critics. For me, I am critical of everything I do, both positive and negative. I'm always reflecting in my mind, saying things like, "I should have started that months ago..." or "Why didn't I say this instead of that..." Though I think some of that self-talk is THE MOST to overcome, this year I strive to be kinder to myself. I will celebrate accomplishments more often, both big and small. I will be more forgiving if I skip a morning of workout. I will appreciate more ME time rather than feel guilty for it. I will love myself more than I did yesterday.

// Be a patient wife
I'm sure it's known to many by now that my Hubs has a demanding job. Football is year round for strength coaches because during off-season, the guys are working out and conditioning. That means that hubs is at work a lot. Most of the time, I'm accepting of this lifestyle... but there are those few times where I wanna curl up into a ball and think about how nice those 9-5 schedules really are. At the end of the day, I do realize we're blessed to be where we are today and I wouldn't have it any other way! The coaching world is such an honor to be a part of, for the hubs, for myself, and now for our children. This year, I will be more patient and understanding of the long days being home holding down the fort with our LO, 2 dogs and home!

// Be a flexible mommy
I'm a rookie to this mommy life. To be honest, I don't know what or when or IF I'll ever qualify for veteran status, but I'm constantly learning new things about parenting. One thing I want to prioritize this year is being more flexible with planning, scheduling, and just being with my 16 month-old. If we don't make it to the museum because it's time for another nap, then so be it! I realize that my child is really not the same as anyone else's child. So if he doesn't fit into someone else's solution for sleeping, or feeding, or daycare, IT'S OKAY! We will find our own solution so long as it works for my LO.

// Communicate frequently with family and friends
I've always loved to chit chat and catch up with my peeps, especially since we moved away from home to Nebraska 2 years ago. When I say I want to prioritize communicating with my peeps, I really mean to actually pick up the phone and call more often. Last year texting and being with baby just made sense... he seems to pick up this attention need when I say HELLO to someone on the phone. Not this year though... I'm making it a point to Adele it up and "Hello... how are you?" my faves!

// Work-life balance
Typically, I've always struggled to find this balance, but with the weight more alongside the work part. Last year, the weight fell on the life side, specifically being a mommy and staying home FT with my LO. I didn't start working again since having the baby until late 2016, and I started part-time. This year, I'm still teaching in the Spring, but I would love to pursue more of my time into teaching opportunities and looking into professional development to further this aspect of my career that I'm actually really enjoying!

Long winded post, but I wanted to share some snippets of my blueprints for 2017. I'm excited to get started with transforming some areas of my life this year, and even more excited to be blogging again!

What are you looking forward towards this upcoming year?

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